MAL 17/17 MAL 17:17 MARKETING AFRICA | Page 11

Addressing Kenyan creatives present , Humans said the workshop is a first of its kind and this shows the value ‘ Loeries places on Kenya ’. He added that the Loeries won ’ t be complete without greater participation by Kenyans .
On what can be entered for the awards , Human said works that fly between 1st June 2016-31st May 2017 , and are created for Africa and the Middle-east are qualified for entry , while works created by the region for western markets can also be entered .
He noted that Loeries entry fee is the lowest of all major creative industry awards . He said entry fee for single and campaign category are $ 183 and $ 280 respectively .
Human also called attention to categories open to young creatives and students in tertiary institutions . He explained that the young creative category “ is for professionals who are 27 years old or younger . They must enter through their agency with endorsement letter from their creative director . The entry fee for this category is zero , but the prize money is $ 5000 .
It is aimed at inspiring young creatives by giving them recognition and assistance . The fee for the student category is $ 50 but we will do something to assist the Kenyan students . The conclusion on that will be announced soon .” Speaking on how creative works are judged for the awards , he stated that the same
criteria is used for all categories . He listed the criteria as innovation , quality of execution , relevance to the market audience , relevance to the brand , and relevance to the chosen medium .
Highlighting the six steps to winning a Loerieaward , Human said , ” Start with a great idea .
Keep the work simple like in the newspapers ; let the heading tell the story , don ’ t keep the best for the last like in a novel . Don ’ t create work for the sole purpose of winning an award ; work with your clients and do work that adds value to your client . Study the category and know where to enter . Make your stats relevant . And lastly , presentation can lose you an award ; treat every entry as a pitch .”
Human also stated that deadline for entry is 15th May , but early entries will get 10 % discount , while late entries will attract a fine . The award is slated for August 2017 in Durban South Africa .