loves such as her children .
There was an ensuing public uproar because of the proposition that adultery was now being considered a mainstream activity that even comes with suggestions on how to safely engage in . It is akin to advising criminals how best to commit a crime or how not to get caught or instructing people how to engage in illicit or anti-social behavior or activity safely . It is a classic instance of an oxymoron - a true contradiction in terms .
However , it emerged that the advert had been informed by the trends of HIV scourge in which most new infections were occurring within the marriage setting and involving married couples . Nonetheless , the ad was pulled off-air for a while , only being returned after discussions and amendments that made it less offensive to the sensibilities of the society - but as effective in pursuing the goal of reducing the rate of

‘‘ If the best-laid plans of marketers often go awry , just imagine what happens to the bad , the incompetent , the misinformed and the worst-laid of plans . The history of marketing is littered with botches and blunders at every stage of the new product process , from product or value creation to fiscal value capture .” infections among married couples .

This is one contemporary example that we are dealing with of How Not to Market . They made the classic mistake of offending public sensibilities and paid the ultimate price . Iam not sure how PS Kenya were able to recover from the pandemonium raised and craft winning messages that resonates with the market and leads to the achievement of their social and business objectives .
The firm is a non-governmental organization so it might not have been in a situation that causes business failure , but it certainly is a classic case of a marketing backlash . The Faiba advert on the other hand is an example of a successful contemporary marketing plan in contrast with one that was headed for failure unless reworked to suit the society targeted .
Examples of Bad Practice
For every successful , thriving and profitable business , we have stories of numerous others that have tried and failed . We know a lot about how to run a successful business , but we probably know much less about how not to run one seeing that the very essence of studying failed practices is only a theoretical exercise that will be found in academic journals and books and rarely in the mass media space which is where masses reside .
Business failures come in many forms . There can be fiscal impropriety , poor product , obsolescence of product , stiff competition , staff strikes and go-slows or outrageous pay demands , sabotage , external interference ( such as the state insisting on running corporations for looting purposes ), natural forces and acts of god and there are failures of the marketing plan . Our focus as illustrated above will be on marketing failures .
Everyday , we ’ re bombarded by advertising . No matter which way you look , corporate messages implore you to purchase their way of thinking . By and large just the sheer amount of exposure works its magic upon consumers everywhere , urging them to buy more than ever before .
Occasionally an advertising campaign or strategy is so poorly conceived that all its makers receive is backlash . Plenty of marketers are eaten alive due to poor project planning , botched communications , and inefficient collaboration . Even the smallest mistakes can lead to embarrassing marketing failures of epic proportions . Marketing “ gone bad ” can continue to live on in infamy and secure you a spot on the marketing failures “ wall of shame ”.
So how do you circumvent the kind of marketing failures that could cut your career short ? First , don ’ t let fear kill creativity . As marketers , we need to be creative , but we also need to keep a level head . And it ’ s not just you most of the time , but rather teams of creative people who move marketing forward .
It starts with common-sense tools to collaborate on projects . When we adopt the right platform and provide no-nonsense tools to creative teams , we set the stage for the best ideas to emerge , enabling and encouraging creative thinking , without the distraction of hard-to-learn , hard-touse interfaces .
What is Bad Marketing ?
What exactly is it that makes for a bad marketing plan ? Marketing failures can easily be avoided as among the main reasons for failure are poor planning and lack of collaboration . In marketing , the good news is often synonymous with the bad . In fact most marketing campaigns come and go without much notice . There ’ s so much noise out there that it can be difficult to cut through the clutter . But to survive as a marketer , you must grab