So , when we encounter things like this what we discover is something really interesting . There ’ s the information that you get and you ’ re very conscious of that , but more importantly there ’ s data that comes off you . So , from you iPad or your phone comes browsing data , what apps you ’ re using and so forth . Who calls you of course is really important . You know , how tight are you with different people ? How do you communicate with different people ?
Probably most interesting is where you are , where you spend time , where you move next . Your physical location is the stuff that really indicates what you like to do and not just what you say you like to do . Along with that of course credit cards , and now going to mobile money which is where you spend and what you buy is very interesting .
Increasingly we have health data from Fitbits and fitness apps . So , we know even what ’ s going on inside of you .
And then a really important thing is from things like Bluetooth we know who else is around because they have Bluetooth on them too . So , today ’ s phones , today ’ s wearable ’ s , give this really rich picture of your behavior and what you like to do . This is why they ’ re scary in terms of privacy , but also why they ’ re so rich as they give enormous insight not just about how you live but how you work with others and where you work with others .
The concept refers to all the sources of data that a person creates and leaves behind while conducting everyday activities . These breadcrumbs or sources of data include things like location data , browsing habits , information from health apps , and credit cards .
So , all of that together is what is Social Physics . And what this very rich data does is it lets us put together mathematical models of how people interact , what persuades us , what influences us to make decisions , and the
surprising thing we find is that people aren ’ t nearly as complicated as we like to make out . Actually a lot of our thinking is rooted in our biological heritage .
So , mostly we learn from each other . We have signals about what we ’ re interested in and what we ’ re not interested in , things that are not language , not complicated , but things that you have to look at the social context in order to understand , and that ’ s really the key message of Social Physics . It ’ s not the individual ; it ’ s the social context . Pay attention to that and you can really understand what ’ s going on .
Timothy Oriedo is a Certified Big Data Scientist ( MIT ), Certified Business Coach ( ICF ), Lead , Group Digital and Partnerships at Royal Media Services , a CIM Instructor Digital Marketing , and Adjunct Business Coach at Strathmore Business School . You can indulge him on this or related matters via mail at : Timoriedo @ gmail . com .


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