tag ” the hell out of your cause , until the MCA , the Senator , and the Women ’ s Rep has no choice but address your issue .
# AskYourGovernor : Why are Nairobi doctors on strike because they haven ’ t been paid for 6 months ?
# AskMCAAnn : Why is the huge , dangerous pothole at the roundabout near X Shopping Centre not been fixed yet , when Y amount was set aside this year by the county to fix roads .
# AskMrPresident : Why haven ’ t the culprits who stole 2 billion of our hard earned tax money , not been identified and prosecuted ?
Now imagine 10,000 hash tags a day , to a 100,000 hash tags a day , our causes , our issues and our problems remain at the forefront , in the conscious minds of everyone . Serious problems won ’ t become yesterday ’ s
news because each problem has a champion or a group of champions making sure that we all remember that somewhere in our country people are suffering .
This is important because we who can , we who have a lot , can help those who have nothing . We can no longer blame the ones who are broken and down trodden . We can no longer blame the ones who live each day as it comes . We must use our hard earned privilege to fight for them and fight for us . If we had a government that put its people first , there wouldn ’ t be a need for “ their Mbagathi ” and “ my Nairobi Hospital ” or “ their matatu ” and “ my Uber ”.
Life isn ’ t easy , even with our corporate jobs , our side hustles , the nice apartment , trips to Dubai ; life is hard . But if you won ’ t tolerate stealing in your home or where you work , why do we sit back and allow our leaders to take what you break your back to earn and allow them to go scot free ? And worse still , spend it and use it to run for even higher political office so they can come back for seconds !
We , the middle and upper class pay most of the tax but why don ’ t we demand quality service ? In advanced countries the poor , the middle class and the rich use public transportation and use publicly funded hospitals . funded hospitals . Instead of KNH or Mbagathi , we go to Coptic or Metropolitan or MP Shah . Instead of demanding for quality education in our public schools , our kids go to private ones .
Instead of raising hell why our water quality is poor , we spend thousands on bottled water . We should demand better use of our taxes .
The last step is to go and do something . You don ’ t have to be the next Boniface Mwangi dodging tear
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