By Carolyne Gathuru

At the end of any well thought out marketing strategy lie two distinct recipient groups . The first are potential customers who need to be moved through the buying cycle right from awareness creation , to contemplation of need , to justification of thought , to decision making and selection , to the ultimate goal of brand evangelism .

The second are already existing customers who need to be kept in high and constant contact with the value proposition of the brand , as continued ambassadors of influence . The bottom line whichever way you look at it , is that any marketing strategy has at the center of its shooting target a distinct bull ’ s eye - customers .
Meanwhile the very customers that occupy the central focus as a target for marketing communication have morphed over time and have very discerning expectations . They have become more empowered and : exhibit very high service expectations from industry players providing both tangible products and services ; are very much aware of opportunities arising for brand communication and feedback ; are not hesitant to take advantage of the different channels of communication to engage with brands ; empower themselves largely vide digital resources

‘‘ Indeed a new realm has opened up in the marketing battlefield where ammunition has shifted from product excellence , price moderation and advanced product features that are no longer the preserve of a select few , to the battle to keep customers engaged , enthused and enthralled . ’’ with knowledge that governs their buying behavior ; and have extremely high expectations of delightful customer experiences .

Indeed a new realm has opened up in the marketing battlefield where ammunition has shifted from product excellence , price moderation and advanced product features that are no longer the preserve of a select few , to the battle to keep customers engaged , enthused and enthralled .
If customers therefore - and the desire to have them emotionally engaged with brands – form the pinnacle of planned marketing output , then the marketing engineers who design , construct , build and consolidate marketing strategy , ought to have the customer at the center of their architectural blue prints .
The equation adds up in the sense that any marketing success will be measured by the success of top of mind awareness and customer conversion . This conversion is directly proportional to the personalization of marketing
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