By Marion Wakahe

Ill start off by wishing all my readers a very happy 2017 . It may seem a little late to do so but in my perspective by the time this is published , we ’ ll still have a pristine at least 10 months before the year comes to an end . Not too shabby if you ask me . Even if you haven ’ t been as disciplined or as focused as you wanted to be there ’ s still time to correct .

I ’ d also like to advise that we place our faith in the Master
Architect who perfectly knows what tomorrow holds . This is a discomforting year to say the least ; Trump in power , elections locally , drought , broke public universities , the list is endless .
I was first introduced to the concept of personality in my third year in high school . My then English teacher asked us a set of questions and set a rule that every one of those questions had to be answered . We were asked questions like ,

‘‘ It ’ s important first to understand that none of us is perfectly introverted or extroverted . We all have degrees of both . Introverts are not misanthropes ; we do like people but unlike our extroverted counterparts we prefer one-on-one and close tie relationships . Our amygdala - the part of the brain that is responsible for the fight or flight response - is much more excitable than our fellow extroverts and thus we feel vigilant when meeting new people .’’

“ When you go to a party are you more likely to start conversation or wait until others start conversation to join in ?” or “ Over the weekend are you more likely to be at home or out with friends ?” amongst other questions . Once we answered all the questions the results were compared to 4 major sets of personality types and 4 minor sets of personality types .
These personality types included the sanguine – optimistic , enthusiastic , social and active , the choleric – proud , dominant , strongly assertive , alphas , the melancholic – analytical , wise , quiet , perfectionist and finally the phlegmatic – meek , relaxed , peaceful and submissive .
My results showed that my major personality type is melancholic and my minor personality type is phlegmatic . In short that makes me a MelPhleg . The attribute that clearly stands out for this personality is that they are introverted i . e . they draw their energy from internal sources rather than external stimuli .
I found myself absolutely fascinated by this result that I ended up
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