minutes and read to the end of this article . It might be a simpler way to find out an answer to this hazy puzzle .
Choosing an executive coach What training or credentialing has the coach gone through ?
As with any professional service being offered , the first question one usually asks is what qualifications or training does this person have to be called a coach . There are many people who call themselves coaches with neither training nor credentialing .
The International Coach Federation www . coachfederation . org ( ICF ) is the world ’ s largest organization of professionally trained coaches . It gives credibility not only to the profession of coaching but also to its members . It offers a credentialing program to members who demonstrate education and experience in the coaching profession .
Coaches are required to log all coaching hours and credentialing is done based on number of coaching hours , hours of training and continuous coach training and also on a code of ethics that all ICF members and coaches must strictly adhere to .
It is also possible to go to the member directory or the credentialed coach finder resource on the website to identify a coach who has been vetted by ICF .
Choosing An Executive Coach : In Summary
• What trainings and credentialing has the coach gone through
• What is the professional background of the coach ?
• Does the coach specialize in a particular area ?
• What coaching experience does the coach have
• Ask for a free chemistry or

‘‘ Remember that your coach will not only take you on a journey of self discovery , but will also hold you accountable to your personal change goals . Your coach will walk with you step by step as your confidant and many times your cheerleader , supporting and encouraging you all the way .’’

Once you have identified a few potential coaches you feel you can work with , the next step involves you finding out more about each coach What is the professional background of the coach ?
Has the coach worked in a particular industry before ? What leadership positions have they held . What is their area of expertise ? What other certifications , qualifications or credentials do they hold . How many years of experience do they have in their area of specialization .
A coach may not necessarily be a professional in the same profession as yourself but you may feel more comfortable with a person who “ speaks the same professional language ” as you do .
What type of coaching does the coach specialize in ?
Some coaches prefer to work with clients interested in relationship and life coaching , others focus on executive coaching or business coaching . Coaching is so diverse that it allows the client to bring in a variety of topics into the discussion .
It could be career progression , leadership skills , work life balance and so much more . Some coaches do not specialize in any one specific niche but have preferences for what area of focus they like to take on .
How much experience does the coach have in coaching ?
As marketers , we are trained to love metrics . What metrics would best showcase experience ? Number of years of being a coach . What if a coach has 10 years of being a coach but hasn ’ t actually been coaching regularly ? The number of years spent coaching is usually not a good parameter for measuring experience . Instead a better option would be number of clients or number of coaching hours , giving you an opportunity to understand the popularity and acceptance of the coach by paying clients .
Does the coach offer an introductory discovery session ?
Not all coaches offer a free discovery session , but if the coach you have identified does so , do sign up and take advantage of this . The discovery session , is a great opportunity to get to know more about the coach .
It allows you , as a potential client , to explain what exactly you hope to get out of the coaching sessions . The coach also has an opportunity to verify that coaching is the correct intervention for you and that indeed they can take you in as a client . It ’ s a chemistry meeting – do the two of you hit it off or not .
There could be several factors that
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