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with people on starvation diets for weight loss . Starvation diets refer to dietary regimens based on extreme calorie restriction , generally geared toward weight loss . Studies have shown that the longer the fast , the more problems it generates .
Starvation diets are serious endeavors with potentially dangerous side effects . If you desire to lose weight , a healthy , balanced lifestyle , coupled with regular physical activity is a safe , proven method .
Before attempting weight loss or diets of any kind , seek approval and guidance from a trusted nutritionist . Keep in mind that no amount or method of weight loss is worth putting your life at risk .
Q : How much of our weight is controlled by our genes ?
Answer : Genes do play a role in controlling our weight , but clearly they do not explain the huge increases in overweight and obesity we have seen in the last 30 years .
Given the genetic package we are born with , we can all improve our weight by paying attention to diet and getting regular physical activity , but some people will need to work harder than others to maintain a healthy weight .
In other words , if we all eat and work out the same , we will not all look the same . Only a very small percentage of people have such a strong genetic predisposition that they will be obese .
Even people who are genetically predisposed to obesity can reduce their risk of chronic disease by eating a healthful diet and staying active .
Q : What is the role of exercise in weight loss ?
Answer : Regular exercise is an important part of effective weight loss and weight maintenance . It helps to control your weight by using excess calories and prevents several diseases . It does not matter what type of physical activity you perform - sports , planned exercise , household chores , or work-related tasks - all are beneficial .
Research consistently shows that regular physical activity , combined with healthy eating habits , is the most efficient and healthful way to control your weight .
Whether you are trying to lose
weight or maintain it , you should understand the important role of physical activity and include it in your lifestyle .
Kepha Nyanumba is a seasoned Marketing Africa Magazine columnist working as a Consultant Nutritionist at AAR Healthcare Limited . You can engage him on this or related matters via mail : Kephanyanumba @ gmail . com or follow him on twitter : KNyanumba , Blog : Kephanyanumba . blogspot . com .