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one of these machines is ( or should be ) a fundamental question . “ Can someone steal my information if I use this computer ?” Of course the answer is YES !
Since you cannot know what software or hardware has been installed on these computers , it is impossible to be 100 % sure that someone has not installed something that will capture your username and password or other account information . Any computer that you do not own or control should be used with a lot of caution .
Tips for Safe Online Shopping
Try to avoid public places and networks : Do not do online transactions when you are using public wireless networks . It ’ s safer to buy online at home . When you conduct business in public places using wireless connections such as hotels , airports and cyber cafes , you take a chance of someone seeing your laptop screen , stealing personal information . What is more , an intruder could grab the sensitive information you send over the wireless network .
Do not use public computers : Because public computers may have programs that log keystrokes ( key-loggers ), as well as other spywares that snatch sensitive information , wait to make your Internet transactions until you get home .
Use credit cards instead of debit : Debit transactions are riskier than credit transactions because a criminal can immediately drain your bank account . The money is spent quickly , so the theft is harder to fight . On the other hand , a credit card theft is not as disastrous , as your credit card company can help you resolve the matter . Use the same credit card if you have more than one .
If you still have reservations about giving out your credit card number online , then use third-party escrow services such as PayPal .
Do not share personal information : Usually legitimate Web sites will not

‘‘ Do not do online transactions when you are using public wireless networks . It ’ s safer to buy online at home . When you conduct business in public places using wireless connections such as hotels , airports and cyber cafes , you take a chance of someone seeing your laptop screen , stealing personal information . What is more , an intruder could grab the sensitive information you send over the wireless network .’’

ask you to give out personal information such as your national Identity card number and / or birth date . By giving out both your birth date and I . D number , criminals have enough data to apply for new credit cards in your name . Keep accurate records : Always keep accurate , detailed records of any online transactions . This way you will have evidence of your purchase if problems occur .
Use updated anti-virus programs : Be sure your computer is secured with updated anti-virus , anti-spyware , and firewall software .
Help in detecting a Safe Web Site
Encryption : It is important to make sure that you shop only at secure websites that use encryption . If the website uses encryption technology to transfer your information on your computer ( such as credit card and bank account information ) to an online merchant ’ s computer , your information is scrambled so computer hackers cannot steal it . Fortunately , the only people able to unscramble the code are those with legitimate access privileges .
Plural URL : Look for the “ s ” following “ http ” in a web address , indicating it is safe . However , realize you often do not see the “ https ” until you move onto the site ’ s order page .
Closed padlock display : The closed padlock display is at the bottom of your screen ( on the browser ’ s status bar ). If that lock is open , you should stay away from that site , as it may not be a secure site .
Check for unbroken key : An unbroken key also designates a secure website .
Strange web address : If a web address has a string of numbers at the beginning of the URL , be suspicious because this isn ’ t an address you ’ d typically see for a reputable company .
The above-mentioned tips if followed meticulously can go a long way in helping to make online payments more secure . By keeping the personal details and accurate facts pertaining to online payments confidential , one can always avoid suspicious orders and fraudulent orders made by misusing the card .
Every online user must take necessary steps in order to protect oneself from email frauds . Emails that hold an unprofessional look and consist of spelling and grammatical issues are not safe for making secure online payments . The best way to gain the advantage of a secure online payment is to have an online payment gateway .
Wasilwa Miriongi is a certified Credit Professional currently working as the Managing Director , Del Creder Credit Management Limited . You can engage him on this or related matters via email at : WMiriongi @ gmail . com