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opportunity to promote products and services live to consumers. There are a few reasons why live streaming should be embraced by more businesses in Kenya. First, there are businesses that have very many customers who cannot attend all events and product launches. Secondly, more people are increasing their reliance on technology, making it easier to collaborate and host meetings remotely. Lastly, many businesses in Kenya want to be recognized globally, and are seeking for cost-effective ways to do so without breaking their banks with expensive advertising. Despite the elaborate reasons that could upscale live streaming among businesses in Kenya, there are still concerns over why brands are yet to exploit this technology. If it were a few years ago, we would probably say that most brands do not consider live streaming as the right investment option due to the high costs that were involved. Now that we have a number of streaming options available, and the Internet being accessib le at about 58% in Kenya, brands should no longer fear taking advantage of live streaming. Out of the 58%, approximately 99% access Internet through mobile data. Brands should also take advantage of the 83% rate of smartphone penetration in Kenya. The Internet, smartphone technology, and social media platforms provide a great opportunity for businesses to exploit their niche and reach more people by initiating live streams for most of their activities. One of the biggest mistakes common among brands in Kenya is the failure to understand the consumer trends of their subscribers. For example, most people currently prefer watching a video of a product launch, than read the same information later on the website, blog, or newspaper. This consumer trend is evident through the impulsive increase in ad spending within the past two years. This is also the reason why tech developers are now making live streaming options more accessible on social apps. Even though Facebook live stream is not yet available on the global scale, brands could take advantage of Twitter’s Periscope app and Meerkat which are available on the global scale. These two platforms are based on mobile and provide businesses with a good opportunity to live stream their activities to customers and prospects. In just a few months, Periscope alone has managed to accumulate over 15 million registered users. This indicates the incredible trail that the app is taking. If the app has over 15 million users now, you can guess what the total number of users on live streaming apps will be towards the end of 2016 and beyond. The time is ripe for brands to add in some reality to their marketing campaigns, and this can best be achieved through live streaming. Remember, videos have been existent on social media for a long time now, and most businesses have embraced them effectively. However, 95% of recorded videos indicate the best and most polished moments of your business. Most of the images are often cropped and even edited before being uploaded to the target audience. This means that businesses share only the best and desirable moments of their activities. Unlike recorded videos, live streaming will not allow businesses to pick out the best parts to show to their customers. Ideally, what customers see a brand sharing through live stream is what they will get. This will spark some percentage of reality among consumers who are more interested in understanding whether the people they watch in the edited adverts are real. Edited productions are full of bluffs and fluffs, and brands need to understand that they can’t fake perfectionism just to lure consumers into purchasing their products. Overall, embracing live stream apps will provide brands with an opportunity to exploit unmatched opportunities to engage with its audience. Live streaming has the ability to humanize brands in a way that recorded videos and images cannot. In reality, brands in Kenya can leverage on live streaming to broadcast live events such as tradeshows and conferences. Other marketing strategies that could take advantage of live streaming include product tutorials, demonstrations, Live Question & Answer sessions, and flash sales among other brand activities. Aside from the positives, brands will also be forced to confront the unique aspects of privacy and safety while embracing live streaming apps. As a brand, make sure you have a realistic strategy and elaborate policies that guide your live streaming activity. Peter Namasaka is a budding writer who comments on topical issues on integrating and expanding marketing platforms. You can commune with him on this or related matters via email at: [email protected]