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CLOUD COMPUTING IS IT TIME FOR YOUR BUSINESS TO MOVE TO THE CLOUD? By Patrick Kabuchi H owever, for the longest time, data security has been a major hindrance to cloud uptake and some CIO’s are still skeptical in this regard. Gartner, a globally renowned technology research firm predicts that security will be the number one driver of cloud adoption in public sector, by 2018. While security concerns cannot be wished away, it’s important to note that significant strides have been made in securing the cloud, especially in the past 5 years. Before moving to the cloud, it’s advisable for a thorough evaluation to be performed to determine and align the change with strategic business objectives. Otherwise, transitioning without due diligence is not worth because the cloud is not a one-size-fits-all business solution. In line with this, below are some factors for consideration to help you rationalize a shift to the cloud: Suitability in relation to business needs A holistic review of the business processes, services as well as information should be taken to ‘‘Gartner, a globally renowned technology research firm predicts that security will be the number one driver of cloud adoption in public sector, by 2018. While security concerns cannot be wished away, it’s important to note that significant strides have been made in securing the cloud, especially in the past 5 years.’’ 18 MAL 11/16 ISSUE establish whether moving any of these elements to the cloud will add value to the organization. More important is data security which is a critical aspect that has to be ascertained before migrating to a cloud platform. Right Timing To ensure a hassle-free switch to the cloud, the move has to be executed at the opportune time. Thus, crucial timing indicators and triggers such as: scheduled system replacements or upgrades, need for temporary software testing environment, planned launch of online pilot projects; just to name a few, should be identified. Financial implications Delivery of services via the cloud enables businesses to save on significant capital outlay at the point of acquisition and expenditure is transformed to operational basis. This is occasioned by the fact that cloud services are charged on per use basis. Thus, the organization has to establish the budgetary implications that are bound to arise.