Making Weight & Everything Else Making weight and everything else | Page 14

do. I was too tired to run and I had to try something. I was so desperate that I went to the supermarket and bought 3kg of salt. I had read somewhere that when the body is surrounded by salt, it loses more liquid. I threw the salt into the hot bath and stepped in. I called it “Roni-soup”. Boiling myself in a bath didn’t seem to help. At 16:00 I went running again. Have I mentioned how much I hate running? That wearing a sweat suit feels like being trapped in a sauna? The next morning, weigh-in and competition day, I woke up early to check my weight on the official scale. I stood naked on the scale and saw the number swing between 48.0 and 48.1. I couldn’t take the chance that the scale would show the wrong weight at crunch time, so I went running for the last time. I searched for a place where my opponents wouldn’t see me and ran until the weigh-in started. At weigh-in time, I stepped onto the scale and my weight was 48.0. Relief. I was finally in the game.” – Roni, judoka For many years I witnessed athletes cutting weight, and experienced it myself as well. I saw athletes sitting in the sauna for hours, had my sleep disturbed as they ran through the corridors at 5:00 in the morning, and saw them in the restaurant areas only when the competition was over. It was always unfortunate to see athletes who paid so much attention to their weight, and so little to the competition. With so much effort to make weight, they never had time to prepare for any other aspect of the competition. When did they prepare mentally, physically and technically? Did they really use the last training before the competition in a beneficial way? In the competition, were they able to live up to their potential? Making weight is only an entry ticket for the competition and no one is there for participation. “Making weight & everything else ” is written for athletes who want to achieve more. Athletes who are willing to do the craziest things if they believe it will help them achieve their dream. But you know what? With a bit of planning and a good weight management strategy making weight doesn’t have to mean a crazy routine. Many athletes do not lose weight because they eat too little. Isn’t this ironic? Others have hard time cutting weight because they