MAKING A DIFFERENCE NEWSLETTER - Issue 2, Volume 17 (Apr 2017) Issue 2, Volume 17 (Apr 2017) | Page 9

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension County Agent, Elizabeth Trejo, Family & Consumer Sciences partnered with AmeriGroup, Francia Urrea, Wesley Community Center, and John Reyes to conduct the session "Be Heart Healthy".

Heart disease is the number one cause of death for both men and women in the United States. It is an equal opportunity killer which claims approximately 1 million lives annually. In addition, direct and indirect cost of heart disease total more than $320.1 billion. That figure includes health expenditures and lost productivity. It is with that in mind, that Texas A&M AgriLife, AmeriGroup, Wesley Community Center, and John Reyes decided to collaborate and present the session "Be Heart Healthy" to 46 seniors.

Participants were given information on how to reduce their risk of heart disease. Some of the following strategies to reduce risks include:

Be Heart Healthy

•Choose a healthy lifestyle

•Know and review your risk factors with your doctor

•Medications your doctor may recommend to control cholesterol, hypertension, and diabetes

•Engage in regular moderate exercise for at least 30 minutes five days a week

Participants were reminded that a healthy diet and lifestyle are the best weapons to fight cardiovascular disease. Also, it's the overall pattern of lifestyle choices that counts. Taking simple steps for long-term benefits your health and your heart.

Family & consumer science