MAKING A DIFFERENCE NEWSLETTER - Issue 2, Volume 17 (Apr 2017) Issue 2, Volume 17 (Apr 2017) | Page 12

Fifty-one participants attended the Earth-Kind Landscape School. The landscape school was a four night training series of classes to teach environmentally sound landscaping practices utilizing AgriLife Extension's Earth-Kind principles.

Residents learned how to create a new landscape or renovate an old one into an Earth-Kind landscape, which uses pest and disease resistant plants, design principles and efficient irrigation practices that protect the environment and conserve natural resources, including water.

"Watering the lawn needs to be done with a good deep, thorough soaking." Click on the image above to get tips from Harris County Horticulture Agent, Skip Richter, on the proper way to water your lawn.

Earth-Kind Landscape School

Soil Testing Campaign

A promotional campaign was conducted to encourage residents visiting three area garden centers to have their soil analyzed prior to fertilizing their lawns, gardens, and landscapes. The state soil testing lab provided the analysis for our campaign at a discount to encourage participation.

One hundred thirty-five residents participated in the Soil Testing program by dropping their soil samples off at three area garden centers. When the results came in, a distribution date was set up for each garden center at which an AgriLife Extension Horticulture agent for the Harris County office was present to meet with customers, interpret the results, and make fertilization recommendations. Choosing the proper fertilizer and rate of application based on a soil test not only helps ensure a more beautiful and productive landscape and garden, but also helps protect surface water from pollution due to runoff.