Making A Difference Newsletter, Issue 1, Volume 19 (Spring, Mar 2019) Issue 1, Volume 19 (March) | Page 2



By: Lutrina Harrell

Spring is the season of new beginnings. It is the time when fresh buds bloom, animals awaken and the earth seems to come to life again. Farmers and gardeners plant their seeds and temperatures slowly rise. The spring season, in other words, is full of transformations.

When spring rolls into our lives, we start to pick up the slack that winter left behind. It is a time, too, when our immune systems are awakening as well. Spring is a season in limbo between the winter and summer months, so nothing is absolute about the weather.

Spring may have its drawbacks to our health with fluctuating allergies in the changing of seasons, but overall it is a positive season of new beginnings in weather, agriculture, and self-awareness to take care of ourselves, our communities, and our surroundings.

Yes, spring helps us to realize the importance of embracing and adapting to change over time.

Take this spring season as a chance to participate in some community service, tending simultaneously to your environment as well as yourself. Help write the chapter of new beginnings this spring in creating positive outcomes for all areas of nature, agriculture, and our health.
