Maine Motif Issue 1 Volume I | Page 17

How do these translate when presented as “ I Can ” statements ? I can only answer and share what I feel will work for me in my situation .
I can be a prepared musician by having my instrument , folder , music and a pencil , by being ready when rehearsal begins , and by being ready to use technology support when it is needed .
I can be an engaged musician by participating actively , listening to instruction , using indirect instructional time effectively and by being a positive member of the ensemble .
I can be a focused musician by concentrating , by being confident and creative and by responding musically to the conductor and the ensemble .
These “ I Can ” statements will be displayed all of the time and all of the students will have a copy of the rubric in their folder as well as seeing the full rubric displayed on the wall . All other “ I Can ” statements will be rehearsal specific . When I write my rehearsal list on the board , I will add the “ I Can ” statement of the day to the specific rehearsal item . For example :
Al Shlosha “ I can sing the correct words .
So how does all of this connect with the bigger picture ? The rehearsal standards can easily be connected to the National Core Arts Standards :
Perform - Rehearse , Evaluate , Refine . Evaluate and refine personal and ensemble performances , individually or in collaboration with others . Enduring Understanding : To express their musical ideas , musicians analyze , evaluate , and refine their performance over time through openness to new ideas , persistence , and the application of appropriate criteria . Essential Question : How do musicians improve the quality of their performance ? ( NCAS )
Create – Evaluate and Refine . Evaluate and refine selected musical ideas to create musical work that meets appropriate criteria . Enduring Understanding : Musicians evaluate , and refine their work through openness to new ideas , persistence , and the application of appropriate criteria . Essential Question : How do musicians improve the quality of their creative work ?