Maine Buyer's Guide Nov/Dec 2020 | Page 12

Our distinct merchandise mix is chosen for quality , color , texture and artistry . We combine handcrafted jewelry with bench made western boots . We mix cozy sweaters with embroidered denim . Luxurious outerwear is paired with trendy accessories . Come see what makes our Mountain Chic style so irresistible .

Where the wilderness blends with city sophistication exclusive merchandise from top designers and unknown favorites . to bring you unique , quality merchandise

For 28 years Spruce Hurricane has been the Valley ’ s premier boutique offer i n g
Our distinct merchandise mix is chosen for quality , color , texture and artistry . We combine handcrafted jewelry with bench made western boots . We mix cozy sweaters with embroidered denim . Luxurious outerwear is paired with trendy accessories . Come see what makes our Mountain Chic style so irresistible .
2655 White Mountain Highway , North Conway , NH 603-356-3854 | Open Tuesday-Saturday 10-5 , Closed Sun & Mon
12 | NOV / DEC 2020 | MAINE
12 Th e B u y er ’ s G u i d e to Re a l Estat e & H o m e I m prov e m en t
www . Th eB u y ersG u i d e . com