MaidCloser June 2014 | Page 35

Pomegranate, high in antioxidants, may lower cholesterol and

improve blood flow to the heart in people with ischemic coronary heart disease. Pomegranate juice may also slow the growth of

prostate cancer.

Your lovely green avocado, perfect in salads

or used as spread or a filling in your lunch time

wrap, is again great source of potassium. An

adequate intake of potassium can help ward

off high blood pressure, heart disease, and stroke.

Need a snack? Chocolate anyone? If you opt for

DARK rather than milk chocolate, you are making

a perfect choice...The power of chocolate comes

from flavonoids, a phytochemical found in the

cacao bean, from which cocoa is taken. So the more cocoa the chocolate contains, the richer the chocolate's health-promoting content. It can help improve overall heart health, reduce LDL ( "bad") cholesterol and blood pressure and increase blood flow to the brain. It may also improve blood sugar and insulin sensitivity, which could reduce diabetes risk.

One more meal for the day. We all look forward to our evening meals, kids come home and first thing they ask, ''what's for dinner??''sounds familiar? Will they be surprised if you say chicken on a bed of Lentils? (rather than potatoes or white rice)...Lentils of all legumes and nuts contain the highest levels of protein. They increase steady, slow-burning energy due to it's fiber and complex carbohydrates, are good source of iron, which transports oxygen throughout your body and is the key to energy production and metabolism.

Other power foods you could and should include in your diet are celery, scallops, seaweed, garlic, berries, kale, basil, olice oil, sweet potatoes, wild salmon etc... do introduce these in your diet regularly and your body & mind will thank you for it.

Fancy some chocolate?

Learn to always opt for a dark one!