MaidCloser June 2014 | Page 33

super facts about our lovely strawberries

Strawberries, common fruit?

Far from it...their unique combination of antioxidants and anti-inflamatory nutrients gives us strong support and many health benefits, including cardiovascular and prevention of cardiovascular diseases; improved regulation of blood sugar, with decreased risk of 2 diabetes and prevention of certain cancer types, including breast, cervical, colon and esophageal cancer.

Boosts your immunity

Strawberries are packed with Vitamin C, which helps boost your immunity and protects you from infections. Just one cup of strawberries meets 100% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C.

Prevent constipation

When constipated, it is important to increase the intake of fibre, strawberries will help to clear your bowels.

Good for your skin, great for your bones

Vitamin C and antioxidants present in strawberries can help slow down aging process and keep your skin wrinkle free for longer.

With high content of manganese and potassium starwberries will not only help promote bone growth, but also help keep them in mint condition. These properties also make strawberry a good fruit for growing children.

Boosts memory

Fisetin, a naturally occurring flavonoid present in strawberries helps enhance memory by stimulating the signaling pathways. A research proved that eating 2 or more servings of strawberries per week can delay memory decline in ageing women.

Great for pregnant woman

Pregnant women are often confused as to what they should eat during pregnancy that’ll both be good for them and the baby. Folate present in rich quantities in strawberries helps in the baby’s brain, skull and spinal cord development. In addition, it also has folic acid which can save the child from having certain birth defects.

Need no more! Get down to your local farm or a market and buy some strawberries. They are in season...!!! (preferably buy organic or pick your own)

...Off beat