MaidCloser June 2014 | Page 24

2. you are what you eat! Do not consume too much of snacks and salty products as salt can have a dehydrating effect on the body. Include fruits like watermelon, cucumber, oranges and lettuce which will give you nutrients and anti-oxidants. Great are also green vegetables, as they help to improve the immune system and decreases stress level in the body.

3. exfoliate! This step is very important if you want healthy glowing skin. Exfoliate 2-3 times per week, no need to splash out, you can make one at home.

Best ingredient to use is sugar, yes sugar! It contains alpha hydroxy acid that works easily to remove the dirt and dead cells clogging your pores, giving you brilliant results. Easy home recipe: 1 cup of sugar, add 1 tablespoon lemon juice and 1 teaspoon honey, mix well and apply.

4. Steaming! You can give yourself a steam therapy once in a week to open clogged pores and remove all the dirt that has accumulated in the skin. Steaming helps to make skin clearer and softer and works well for all skin types.

5. Sun screen! Always apply a sunscreen which contains high SPF, 30 minutes before stepping out in the sun. Sunscreen not only prevents skin darkening and skin damage but will also protect you from harsh UVA rays that can lead to skin cancer. Re-apply every two hours and opt for a waterproof sunscreen. Try to avoid direct sunlight during 10am to 4pm, as sun rays are harshest during that time and can have adverse effects on your skin.

6. exercise! Exercise helps to get rid of the toxins and gives your skin a glow. Do simple workouts or yoga every morning to feel good and stay fresh. If you feel too lazy to work out, walk as much as you can – you will have more energy! Exercise increases the blood circulation and promotes supply of blood that gives the skin a natural and healthy glow. This is the simplest answer to how to get glowing skin.

7. And finally, Add omega-3 fatty acids to your diet. Fatty fish like salmon and mackerel are great sources of omega-3s. You can also get omega-3s from walnuts and olive oil.

your lucky seven!

7 tips on how to look after your skin this summer!

1. stay hydrated! Yes we all know it, but how much water do you really drink every day? Increase this intake in the summer even more to decrease the heat level and keep the body cool and hydrated. If you need an alternative vary water with coconut water or green tea, but avoid fizzy drinks and concentrated fruit juices...

its all about you...