Magazines spring 2018 cover crop smaller | Page 15

Area schools are helping kids find a career path. Servi-Tech’s goal is to get into these schools and advocate for agriculture. Whether it is through IT/programming, graphic design and journalism, laboratory testing, or even walking fields, agriculture and Servi-Tech has a place for them. Pictured at right: Casey Brauer, who works in the Dodge City Laboratory, explains how soil is a lot like the human body to grade school kids in Satanta, Kansas. Sometimes we cannot see when we are sick, so we have to get tested. Much like a doctor would take blood, Servi-Tech takes soil samples. If we are sick, we then prescribe antibiotics. If our soil is sick, we then get prescribed nutrients, fertilizers, and other inputs. Chief Technology Officer ­­ combined with our traditional offerings differentiates us in the marketplace and provides a competitive advantage for our partner resellers. Over time, as we continue to advance these products, our partner resellers benefit from an expanded portfolio and enhanced competitive positioning. In addition, going forward we intend to enhance STEPS offerings with standardized API’s that will allow our reseller partners to access our advanced services and create their own customized offerings. Listen to the latest edition of Radio Servi-Tech: Page 15