Leadership Magazines Issue 22 - Gary & Kari Sammons | Page 30

NEW dōTERRA DIAMONDS “I’VE NEVER SEEN ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY OUT THERE THAT CAN SO RADICALLY CHANGE THE WORLD - TERRA.” —Tara ON EVERY LEVEL LIKE do Justin & Tara Wagner FORT WALTON BEACH, FLORIDA, USA O ne of Tara Wagner’s life coaching focused on the Power of 3. She knew they soon ended up spending the whole clients reached out to her about an extra $1,500 a month would take a trip talking about the business, asking getting involved in the dōTERRA lot of stress out her life. All she had was questions, and discovering duplication business opportunity. Tara was not five hours a week to devote to dōTERRA, systems. About a year later, they interested. She had been a massage and she did that for six months until her therapist and used essential oils for reached Diamond. Tara says, “It felt like upline called her and told her she was 12 years, and thought they were we did it from scratch. It felt