Magazine Confluenze | fly fishing experience Number 8 Year 2 | Page 55

After having turned off the engine, with skilled movements your guide starts with the long pole to drive the boat towards the mangroves covered shoreline. You are nervous and watch carefully everything around, it’s a long time you have been waiting for this very moment. Yet, you do not see even the shadow of a fish. Engine noise, you think, surely scared them and they are hidden somewhere into the mangroves. Maybe after some minutes of silence they will come out within reach of your fly line. You are carefully watching every fishy looking hole near the mangroves. With half-closed eyes you are scanning the water with your brand new polarized sunglasses, notwithstanding the small and annoying mosquitos which have arrived in numbers as soon as you got closer to the mangroves. But everything is still. Then, suddendly, you hear a violent thug, as if your guide was fallen into the water, but he is violently slamming the pole on water surface! You lower your arms in desperation and you think, well now the fishing is over! You look open mouth at your guide, thinking which words you might use to offend him. Then, your guide indicates a precise point in the lagoon and yells ‘tarpon, tarpon!’ , you turn to look and, to your astonishment, you see a school of tarpon which comes out of the mangroves and starts rolling on the surface. Salt Confluenze 55