Mag-Fed Monthly Issue 4 | Page 44

Did you just wake up one day and decide to make a YouTube channel?

It wasn't a snap decision to start making videos. We had a regular photographer/videographer at CQB 416 Robot who would take pictures of us and make videos while we played. His videos are how I found out about the field in the first place. He made fantastic compilation videos and I always loved being in them. Out of vanity I wanted to be in more videos and decided to make my own. At the time there weren't very many paintball videos being shot from first person. It wasn't until magfed that first person paintball videos really became viable, prior to that they'd all had hoppers covering most of the camera or were gun cams that mostly looked at the ground. I'm really big into video games so I thought I'd give my videos a spin by putting some video game special effects in them, just simple stuff like a HUD and hit confirmations. The irony of my vain reason for starting videos is that although I'm in a video every week I'm rarely on camera myself; except for my hands.