MAG #6 | Page 23

Chile considers adopting innovative models to meet the target goals, which will enable the energy matrix a long base in an unpolluted renewable energy and in a, outstanding energy efficiency policy, as Chile has sun, wind, conditions for geothermal and hydroelectric power to respond to such needs. These natural advantages can become the competitive economic and commercial advantages in the new era of fossil energy dominance( ).

The generation from renewable sources presented 9.25% of the total, in October 2014, according to the State Projects prepared by the National Center for Innovation and Promotion of Sustainable Energy (Cifes). Meanwhile, the alternative solar amounted to only 0.67% of the total, in the last twelve months, has increased its installed capacity from 3 MW to 244 MW. Affirmatively stating, it is still significantly a very little amount. However, the future outlook is so auspicious than those who opt for the country as an exporter of electricity from solar energy.

One of the elements that have favored the competitiveness of the solar energy option is the dramatic decline in technology costs, referenced mainly in the photovoltaic modules that directly convert radiation into electricity. At this point, we will review a line of argument regarding the convenience on whether to incorporate ERNC of Northern Chile considering the challenge against climate change and environmental commitment of the countries that would integrate into this energy ring.

Por PhD. Daniel Guevara C.

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The basis of the suspension would be a debt of Naftogas – the state company of Ukraine,- for US$4.500 milions to the russian Gazprom. Cfr. DIARIO EL MERCURIO, Internacional, Santiago, 17 de junio de 2014, A 6.

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