MADE Maven October Issue MADE Magazine | Page 9

MADETOLEAD from a conference in Hawaii, I felt this strong conviction to change my perspective. I decided to practice gratitude in a more intentional way. I stopped looking at what I didn’t have and started thanking God for what he placed in my hand. I began to thank God for the situations that were causing me to feel the most pressure. It’s in the pressure that you uncover your new level of strength. I wish I could tell you I started practicing gratitude and everything in my life became the fairytale I’ve always dreamed of. I am diligently working to be healthy, but I still face body issues especial- ly since my weight fluctuates greatly. I am privileged to have great opportunities in my career, it just doesn’t always translate into the financial stability that I long for. I am still more single than a slice of bread, but I am pretty proud of the fact that I am refusing to settle for less than what I deserve. One day during the height of my quarter life crisis, I was telling my mother about all the things she had done by the time she was my age. She was married, taking care of me, learning English as her second language, obtaining her bachelor’s degree, working and slaying daily. I didn’t feel like I was doing enough and although she never asked me to—I felt like I wasn’t measuring up to my greatest example of womanhood. Her response: “Times have changed. At your age, I had not attained a Masters’ degree. I barely saw cities in Texas and Oklahoma, but you have experiences all over the world. I was trying to conquer everything simultaneously because I didn’t have a choice. God has given you options. You my dear are conquering life in seasons.” God will give you want you need and the things you want will follow in his timing. I still believe in fairytales. I am just not obsessed with them. Whether it’s your quar- ter life, midlife, or whole life crisis—I want to leave you with five ways that your gratitude will allow you to win in the midst of it all. #mademaven 1) Change your per- spective. No doesn’t always mean rejection. Sometimes, no just means new opportunity and failure is a blessing called a lesson learned. 2) Be grateful for the big things that are often masked as little. You were able to wake up this morning. This is a victory that you’ve already won. 3) Appreciate your tribe. Love them hard. This can be one person or five people. Don't be so worried about acquiring new relationships that you haven’t been pres- ent with the people you have now. 4) Don’t minimize what God has placed in your hand right now. Comparison is the thief of joy. We are often so focused on other peo- ple’s journey, we can’t identify the opportuni- ties that have been laid on our own path. 5) Be your own cheer- leader. Stop looking for someone else to pat you on the back. Societal norms will never vali- date who God has called you to be. 9