MADE Magazine Spring 2019 May 2019 | Page 52

MADEINC MADEXXX AFTERNOON 2pm: My work calendar is pretty packed on Mondays until around 2pm. I attempted to order lunch a couple times but was unsuccessful. A non- dairy yogurt or a fruit cup it is. 7pm: We go back and forth about what’s for dinner. 4pm.: After a day filled with meetings, analysis and reports with customers and packaging online orders in between, I am relieved by my husband who arrives at the store. 8:45pm: I eat and work on Love Peridot administrative tasks, laundry, other house stuff while Marcus Lemonis from my favorite show The Profit talks to business owners in the background. 5pm: It’s time for a 45 minute workout with my personal trainer. 10pm: Lights out until tomorrow. NIGHT 6:15pm: I pull up to pick my husband up from the store and we make the >40 minute traffic filled drive to our home located in the southwest area of Chicago. During this drive we talk about our day and depending, we may make a stop or two. 8pm: Husband made an executive decision on dinner since all I have after my long day is, “I don’t know”. 10:15pm: I check Instagram and emails. 10:30pm: I finally fall asleep. Maybe. ASHLEY JOHNSON CEO & Founder Amistic Hair Care As a first time mom and full-time entrepreneur a typical day for me usually goes like this... | 52