MADE Magazine Global Impact Issue | Page 51




Cassidy Blackwell , Director of Brand Engagement at Walker & Co . Brands .
Branding plays a huge role in the success of a business . When it comes to exceptional branding — from the packaging to the experience — Walker & Co . Brands deliver Bevel and FORM with excellence . MADE caught up with Cassidy Blackwell , the Director of Brand
Engagement at Walker & Co . Brands to learn about how she ’ s killin ’ it in her role and why branding should always be a priority …
MADE : Why is branding so crucial for a company ?
Cassidy : Well first and foremost , you have to create an identity around something that people can feel a connection to . It really takes [ different ] levels of branding that are super important from the design of bottles , to the words that you use , the imagery you use , to the models that you use . It ’ s all about explaining a point and an entity that a larger community can connect with and that larger community is a very tightly defined community . And I think without that , you ’ re not really going to have that ability for people to emotionally connect . I think that , in today ’ s day and age , there ’ s so many product offerings on the marketplace , branding is essential for differentiating in a crowded space .
MADE : Can you tell me a little bit about your journey with Walker & Co . Brands and what your role entails ?
Cassidy : I came to Walker & Co . over three years ago . It was a funny story because I had been a hair blogger for several years . I started my blog in 2009 and I really fell in love with haircare . I was in policy before , but I kind of had an idea about doing a hair service . It was
All Photos courtesy of Walker & Company .
very nebulous and then I met this guy , Tristan Walker .
TRISTAN : Would you ever consider coming to my company — Walker & Co . and doing that [ hair service ] with us ?
CASSIDY : That ’ s a really interesting concept , so why not ? Sure .
TRISTAN : Cool , but here ’ s the catch . We ’ re not ready to start doing hair quite yet . What we really need is help with is our men ’ s grooming system .
CASSIDY : Ok , cool . It ’ s similar and I would love to learn about the men ’ s grooming space .
TRISTAN : Ok , but it ’ s actually the customer service side .
CASSIDY : Oh , no . I don ’ t do that .
TRISTAN : No please , we really need that support for like 6 months . I promise it ’ s only 6 months and then we can transition you into doing something else .
CASSIDY : You know what … ok .
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