MADE Issue 9 | страница 10

MADE MADE FEATURES XXXX you know? So having that constant support system growing up I do believe is a huge part of both of our personalities now. We have each other’s back. We’ll do anything for each other. Nothing and no one can come between us and that’s just what it is. MADE: From a woman’s perspective, what advice can you give for a lifebalance perspective? Meagan: Purpose first. LaMyia: Family first. Meagan: I would say you have to have that balance. I feel like when we look at our careers, we don’t look at it as just “careers” for fun or for enjoyment, although we do still have fun and enjoy it. But they also come with a lot of things that happen behind the scenes that people don’t see. If you look at whatever you’re pursuing in life, it has to be part of your purpose. It has to be part of who were called to be and who you were created to be. So I think that’s the number one thing. And also, family is a number one thing because when all of this other stuff isn’t here, and it’s up and down, you gotta remember what you’re doing it for and who you’re sharing it with. LaMyia: Having that foundation I think for me especially - keeping family first is the top priority, and it kind of just levels out everything else. Everything else just falls behind that and I know that’s the same way for Meagan. It’s keeping that priority, deciding what that priority is, taking a look at your life and where you’re at. It’s really prioritizing. Taking a look: “Where in my life am I now and what is it that I want?” And when you have that, you stay focused on that goal and obviously as you evolve and change, you can reassess and reevaluate that. Meagan: Don’t rush to have both. Let it happen at its own time. When you rush, you make compromising decisions that can really be a part of the outcome of how your entire life goes. So definitely let things come as they may, stay consistent and stay focused. Stay believing and purposeful and let God do what God does. Also, ask God. Always ask God. Anything and everything along the way, before you make major decisions rather it be in your marriage, in your relationship, in your career, ask God first. Because when you know when His blessing is on something, you know it will succeed exactly the way it’s supposed to. Even if things go awry for you, it’s exactly what it’s supposed to be because God has his hand on it. When he says “No”, you know that he said “No”. You can feel that in your spirit. You’re not confused. The confusion is really what we want to do and what we’re supposed to do are conflicting. But if you talk to your spirit, if you talk to God and you trust your spirit then you know which one it’s supposed to be. MADE: Do you feel like you’ve made it? If not, what does that look like in your future? LaMyia: That’s a tough question because I feel like our lives are a series of different journeys and you have a marker at each place. We’ve both accomplished many things that we’ve wanted to do in our lives. The beautiful thing about having God in your life and being guided in that aspect, is that you go from victory to victory. So, have we made it? Yeah. Because there’s so many things that we wanted to accomplish. Are we still making it? Yes. Meagan: I think it is a lifelong thing. I think yeah, we made it in a sense. Success is how you measure it. We’re happy and we have peace of mind, and we have joy in our hearts. So in that sense, yeah, absolutely we made it. But we’re continuing to make it because we got so much more of we what we want to do and what we’re going to do. | 10