MADE Empowerment Issue | Page 51

MADE : You ’ ve grown up in the unyielding and often unforgiving gaze of the public eye . But the GAG is , you ’ re still working and challenging yourself as an entertainer and businesswoman and a charitable benefactor . What drives you to keep at it ?
KP : The kids , the youth . I really love making television for my generation . I love making things for them . And that ’ s really what drives me . I grew up on informative programming , meaning programs that always have a message to them . Not to say all programs don ’ t , but when I would watch the end of Jerry Springer , I liked that it was dramatic , chaotic and it was funny but I also liked that at the end you would get Jerry ’ s final word . I loved when I would watch Mister Rogers ’ Neighborhood and he would take us through his day and how he always talked to us and referred to us as we were watching television , and at the end he would give us a message to take with us .
I ’ ve always loved that and it has greatly influenced the kind of entertainer that I am because
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I always wanted to make sure I ’ m giving the people something . I love the beginning , the middle and the end . I love the storyline . I love something to believe in . I think that ’ s what we miss about the 90s so much as a millennial generation . The reason why we cling to that stuff is because it had a story . It had something for us to believe in . It had the spirit and the life of that type of programming . I like to implement that in my stuff and bring that to my artistry . And let them know that I do care about you . When people see my stuff I want them to know for a fact that I was thinking about you because this was made for you .
MADE : You ’ ve done so much by the age of 23 . What accomplishment are you most proud of ?
KP : Probably my mind . The understanding in my mind to not allow me to take everything to heart in terms of this industry because this industry is such an up and down kind of realm . I ’ ve been really blessed to have a brain that hasn ’ t gotten too scrambled in the process because it ’ s very normal for that to happen . I ’ m just very grateful for that .
MADE : Uncertainty and fear of failure can oftentimes keep people from pursuing their dreams . What advice would you give to someone to encourage them to keep going ?
KP : What else are you going to do ? Not go hard for yourself ? That ’ s all that life is about . So dust yourself off and try again .
MADE : What ’ s your end game in this industry ? Where do you want all of your career choices up to this point to take you ?
KP : To be in a position where I can produce content from talent other than myself and to share my brand through different channels that allow me to be affirming to the youth . That ’ s what I really would love to be . I want to be a source of service , just like people have been to me like Nick Cannon and Queen Latifah . I would like to be in a position of major assistance to my generation . I want to be able to create ways to assist the youth in finding themselves and pursuing their dreams .