MADE Empowerment Issue | Page 3



The power that it takes to charge your year is massive , particularly if you have big goals . Big goals typically take a lot of energy - sleepless nights , countless meetings , constant planning . Finding the source ( or various sources ) of energy to fuel your passion is the key to creating a year of monumental success and progress . Some of your energy may stem from the support of your family and friends ; some of it may derive from the backing of your network ; most of it will come from you . Fueling your mind with affirmative thinking , organizing your life with specific plans , and seeking to discover new opportunities for growth all contribute to the power you can plug into your own life . As Oprah once said , " Not only are you responsible for your life but doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment ."
If you ever feel your internal battery is too low to accelerate your goals , think about yourself as an engine of ideas . Sometimes it starts with just a spark of a new way of thinking or a high-voltage conversation that ignites a new vision for your life . The first step to finding your power is knowing that it lies within you . The second step is taking what you know that you ' ve got and taking full advantage of the opportunities around you . One year consists of 365 days , and 365 days contains at least 365 opportunities waiting on you .
However you find your power , it ' s imperative not to allow it to get low . Each year , millions of Americans commit to their New Year resolutions and by mid-January they break them . It ' s not because they can ' t commit to their resolution , it ' s because they don ' t have the internal motivation to stay the course . Relying on outside sources to empower you is helpful but will not keep you charged up . You have to believe in yourself that anything is possible . You have to know for yourself that everything you need is right where you are . And you have to trust that you are your power and that is enough . I ' m looking forward to your growth this year and the many opportunities coming your way .
Cheers ,


One year consists of 365 days , and 365 days contains at least 365 opportunities waiting on you . - Kris D . Williams