MADE Empowerment Issue | Page 17

Listen to weekly interviews from entrepreneurs .
Jasmine : You told me before in previous conversation that you started out in journalism . So how did we get here ?
Jaz : in honesty , I kept getting fired from my jobs . I was working for a Fortune 500 company and i was doing internal communications for them and they downsized the department and so I was left without a job . So I was just like “ You know what , I am tired of doing corporate .” I had obviously made a transition from wanting to do television to corporate and that kind of fizzled out , and so I decided to just go out on a wimp and follow a passion of mine , which was actually just like a hobby at one point , but I just decided to go to hair school .
I went to hair school for the purpose of making myself more marketable when I do photoshoots . I came in wanting to be a makeup artist but if I was like “ If , I become a hair stylist as well , then I could make more money .” And so , it was during that time that I cultivated my skillset in terms of makeup and all of my classmates would ask me how I did I do this , and how did I do that ? And i got tired of telling them how to do it , and so I made a youtube channel and I had no idea that it would do that . The youtube channel was specifically for my classmates and it took off .
Jasmine : Were you in your early twenty ’ s when this all got started ?
Jaz : So my mid-twenties , I started and it just took off from there .
Jasmine : So it took about four years or five years for you to reach ..?
Jaz : Well , actually February of 2017 will be year five for me on youtube which is an amazing milestone . I can ’ t believe that I ’ ve been on youtube for that long . I kind of feel like a triple OG ( laughs ).
Jasmine : Congrats ! That ’ s amazing . So , I have personally been a fan for a couple of years and I know that I started watching you based on a hair review you did for Ali Express . I know that is a lot of your followers story when they first discovered you . Your hair reviews were sort of the vehicle that launched your career kinda ?
Jas : No , not kinda . It absolutely did . Because even before that I had made two videos prior to that Ali Express video and they didn ’ t take off . I was really just trying to find my voice . I didn ’ t really know what I wanted to do on Youtube . I was kind of playing around and so , like many girls who watch Youtube , I had saw other women trying out this hair that was inexpensive and it was great quality and I had never tried virgin hair before . I got all of my hair from the beauty supply store , you know what I mean ? So , I spent my own money and I got the hair and I just made the review off of my experience of the hair and that is what took off my career . That is what did it because at that time , it was a unique time for that particular market . Now its completely oversaturated but at that time , there weren ' t alot of girls doing a affordable virgin hair reviews , and so that was my way in .
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