MAD pages Volume 1 Issue 2 | Page 13

modern age or the past times. No one can forget the incidence of Delhi. Some days back whole country burst with anger after Delhi rape case. You know why that case is know as Delhi rape case because those criminals haven't raped a girl instead they raped whole Delhi. People have fought for her, demanded severe punishment for the criminals and government suppressed the whole movement with their false promises of making strict laws. How can we expect that the rapist standing in government will make strict laws against themselves and their kind. The girl died and the revolution due to her also died. And once again a girl is raped in barkha dutt @BDUTT Don't tell your daughter she can't go out alone at night. Dont restrict the clothes she wears. Teach your sons better. Mumbai. People are again protesting but will there be any justice? Don’t know. Every news source (news channels, newspaper, etc) has already told the whole story and every body knows who is guilty but we cannot do anything. Sometimes I think that why shouldn’t I raise the weapons and finish those culprits but this can only be done in films not in real. We have to put faith in our judiciary system and hope someday it will give justice. In twitter Barkha Dutt (Editor & Journalist) tweeted that “Don't tell your daughter she can't go out alone at night. Dont restrict the clothes she wears. Teach your sons better”. And I support it, our ministers comments that one of the cause of woman being raped is their outfits, not only ministers many common citizens think so. If you also think so then please broaden your mind. As Barkha Dutt tweeted that don’t restrict your daughter & sister to wear clothes she wants to or going out at nights. Teach your son to behave well and respect the girls and women. So the clothes criticizing citizens of India learn to respect the female and don’t judge & criticize any girl with her clothes. And the boys who think that eve teasing is not a crime it’s just fun and they do it for fun, they should be punished severely. BBC has made a documentary regarding women and the title of the documentary is “India A Dangerous Place to Be a Woman - BBC Documentary” (its link is c50). This documentary cannot be simply described in just words you should watch it once. This documentary covers the acid attacks, molestation, Delhi rape and other things which would be proving that India is a dangerous place to be a woman. How shameful is this for the India. And until we don’t change our mind set more convict are going to born and there will be more victims of these convicts. Now no more bhasanbaji, no more complaining, the power of 49% is in hands of women and it is the power to change. The women can make the government and they can also collapse it. So are you going to vote this election? So this is my connection of hope that this time our country will be going to choose the right person in power. If we all change our mind sets and start respecting the women then we can hope for a right place of & for our women. 13