Mad_About_Money_final Nov. 2016 | Page 31

MadAbout Money EARLY HUMANS USED BLOOD AND BAT POO AS MONEY Before the invention of bills, ancient civilizations utilized numerous other commodities as currency. The list includes animals, shells, blood and bat guano (poo). Imagine sticking that stuff in your wallet. THE IDEA FOR THE FIRST ATM WAS CONCEIVED IN A BATHTUB Inventor John Shepherd-Barron dreamed the concept for the first ATM while in the bathtub during the 1960s, and there were no ATM fees. Now, if only they can install ATMs in bathtubs. THERE ARE MORE CREDIT CARDS THAN PEOPLE IN THE U.S. If you don’t own a credit card, chances are you know someone who owns one or more. 175 million Americans have credits cards, with each person owning an average of five. That represents over half the current U.S. population. 175 million times five equals way more credit cards than actual citizens. 31