Luxe Beat Magazine MARCH 2015 | Page 85

Epicure Door County is reminiscent of New England Master – a cook who knows the science and exact cook times for the boil, ensuring that both texture and taste are retained. a i hi an hit h ar a ht y o a h r n sometimes that very day, and cut into a h n otato and onion, with salt is the only seasoning, are used to raise the i ra ity o th at r Behind the restaurant is where all th a i in Th oi a t r starts by explaining his technique, along with the simple yet special ingredients he will use. Meanwhile, a huge black castiron tt ith at r it o r a a in oo rnin r waiting for the hiss, crackle, and o o ar hot r to rin th water to a boil. When the water comes to a boil, the wire mesh basket containing potatoes and onions is slowly lowered into the pot. (Sometimes One of those traditions is the o nity h oi tart y Scandinavian settlers more than 100 years ago as an economical way to th any o th o h r n and lumberjacks. Whereas trout or salmon was initially used, these days, hit h r h y a ht ro a Michigan is the preferred ingredient. a o hat h itant h n r t heard we were going to a traditional Door County Fish Boil, as I am a r tant at r h n it o to h and bones. One bone and it is over or o r a th h boil is a culinary tradition in Door County, I was anxious to see how it was done and to taste the results. Our group headed for the Old Post ta rant art o th at r ort in th i in village of Ephraim. (Many consider thi i on in a an to a ti Meanwhile, the Boil Master entertains the crowd with sea stories and humor, all the while looking at his stop watch to ensure just the right cook time. After just the right amount of time, determined by experience gained ro o nt h oi th oi a t ra i hit h t a into th oi in ot Th h oo for about 9-10 minutes, while funky h oi arat an ri to th to of the kettle. What happens next is the apex of th h oi r to ha yo r camera or cell phone in hand for the upcoming Kodak moment – when kerosene or fuel oil is added to the r Thi in n iary a ition a a “boil over” – a process where y h oi that ha ri n to the top now spill over the side of the tt ar in a a r t orthy o any na t hin in th tt ar ho an r h h n thi to th t h oi Tho h the restored building is where hrai o to a o at in the early 1900s, these days, it looks more like a stately plantation rather than a r ta rant Th int rior i smartly done in cozy country, with har oo oor an a ti y ra in o Th in o ar important, because right across the tr t i a i hi an h r i your timing is just right, you can watc