Luxe Beat Magazine MARCH 2015 | Page 130

4 Free Weight Exercises for the Upper Body By Beth Shaw Cardio exercises and weight training are essential in burning fat and keeping our muscles strong and toned. Yoga then helps us stretch, center, balance, and provide focus. When you combine cardio, weight training, and yoga, you create the perfect trinity package of true mind/ o y irit tn that in Lean Consciousness. Muscle mass naturally diminishes with age, so anyone over the age of 30 really needs to start weight training. Weight training on a regular basis reduces the risk of injury, increases o y on n an h strengthen your body as a whole. t rn at r at nition increases lean muscle mass, and rn a ori or i nt y t also increases metabolism by keeping more lean muscle tissue engaged and working. I recommend at least two or three sessions of weight training a week. If you are consistent, you will see results! A common question is this: “Should I do free weights or machines? Which is better at building muscle?” The answer: both will build muscle, but free weights (dumbbells, barbells, cables) are better at doing it than specialized weight training machines. When we lift free weights, it takes r at r ffort an or involvement to stabilize the weights. 130 1 Th ffort o ta i i in th i ht also gives the smaller “accessory muscles” a workout, along with the primary muscle doing most of the or n i tin th off th oor or th ar off th ra will require a wide range of balance and stabilizing muscle to work. Free weights are better at stimulating muscles, and more muscle stimulus means faster results! They also allow you to be more creative, as long as you are aware of proper form and body mechanics. Muscles love spontaneity - as does life! Not to mention, free weights are cheaper and easier to store in your home. Here are 4 of my favorite free weight exercises for the upper body. 1. Rows with Bench: This exercise targets the rear delts, the rhomboids, and the entire core. • Place one hand and the opposite knee on the bench for stability. Hold a dumbbell in the other hand. • Engage all the muscles of the core. • Bring weight down past the bench and then pull it up so that your elbow and wrist are in the same line. • Repeat 12-15 times with a weight that starts to fatigue you around the 10th rep. • Switch to the other side, placing opposite hand and knee on bench. Do 4 sets of 12-15 reps. 2. Shoulders/Biceps Push Press with Biceps Curl This exercise will target your legs, arms, and shoulders. • Stand with your feet hip-distance apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing toward your body. • nha an n yo r n an your hips as if you are sitting in a chair. Exhale as you come up from the CREDIT HERE I n my book, YogaLean, “Lean Consciousness” is a state of mind that will help propel you toward weight loss and sustain your ideal weight when you get there. Achieving it, however is not only about a regular yoga and meditation practice. You must venture beyond the gentle, peaceful realm of poses, meditation, and breathing to do exercise that challenges your stamina and refines and builds your strength.