LUST/APE Magazine June/July 2014 | Page 32

! ts ugh o Th On Being a “Stupidhead” By Mason Drew In present-day anywhere, being a stupidhead should be the least of anyone’s concerns. Many philosophers of old would be quick to tell us that a wise person does not have to know everything. They might also add that a so-called “stupidhead” could easily point out the flaws in a self proclaimed wise-man’s ideas. With this knowledge, the goal of wisdom should not be to become wise, but to become more fluent and knowledgeable in the areas of life we are interested in. For example, a poet does not necessarily require a degree in Geography to perform his art, and therefore it would be illogical for him to feel as if he is any less of a poet because he is not fluent in Geography, although Universities might attempt to persuade him to believe otherwise. So when we analyze the wonderful things we have a natural interest in, and just how much we have taught ourselves about our interests, it becomes clear that we are not complete stupidheads after all. bvrst mood, in a sentimental mood..i ate spinach. NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS at [email protected] 32 Nihilist Karma July/ 2014 Nihilist Karma July/ 2014 33