Lukban Lukban | Page 49

country and see if they could find any trace of Rosario ’ s band . He also instructed Captain Dey to draw on Capt . John Cooke at Catarman for 60 men , and to station a force at Poponton . From there , they were to try engaging with the rebels . 6
Attack on Lavezares
As in Matuginao , Lukban ’ s troops started harassing the Americans in the nearby towns of La Granja and Lavesares . Two Spaniards who had businesses in Gandara told the Americans that the countryside was swarming with insurgents . Anticipating an attack , Gilmore reinforced the 12 men left by Capt . Spellman with another 12 led by Lt . Stewart . Then early morning of the 23 rd , the launch Cuco arrived with a wounded man from Seaman ’ s detachment , bearing a report that La Granja was under threat . When Seaman was at Lavezares , he was told that insurgents were just outside the town . Having with him only four men , and fearing that the remainder of his detachment at La Granja might be surprised , he immediately started for Lavezares . He arrived at about 6:00 in the evening , then prepared for the inevitable attack .
The town was difficult to guard with a small detachment . It was about a mile long , and in its center was the camarin ( bodega ) and house of the agent of Warner , Barnes & Co . Two hundred yards from these houses were located the church and convent . Lieutenant Seaman ’ s detachment used the convent as their quarters . The two buildings stood side by side , and just back of them was a hill 50 feet high , covered with underbrush .
An hour later , as the corporal of the guard was returning from visiting the sentinels , he was knocked unconscious as he came opposite the interval between the convent and the church . A party of insurgents had come down the mountain , and under cover of darkness and rain , slipped by the sentinel on the back of the barracks and lay in wait between the two buildings .
The unidentified assailants wanted to carry him off , but two soldiers , who had just started their duty , opened fire even if they could not see in the dark . This caused the assailants to drop the corporal , but they took off with his rifle .
Here at Lavezares the situation remained grave , as Seaman was sure that the presidente was in communication with the insurgents , although he had no proof . There was a Spaniard whose actions have been likewise suspicious . Gilmore wanted to arrest the presidente , but he reconsidered . Leaving him in his town might save it from being burned .
With the overwhelming threat , Gilmore told Seaman on the 25 th