LOWRANCE SOUTH AFRICA Lowrance Issue 11 | Page 30

FABULOUS FISHING N ovice angler, Peter Foster, was fishing off Barry Alice's Lowrance-equipped Cobra Cat 800 - when he caught this 16.5 kg Musselcracker! A er a couple of hours of unsuccessful trawling, they stopped off at Deep Number One for some bo om fishing. A er a while they decided to move closer to home - to Number One fishing grounds. Peter, who was fishing with a light- tackle Bay rod (and 7kg line), hooked this huge Musselcracker with the last bait of the day! It pulled so hard, Barry had to scramble to stop him from falling overboard! Some 45 minutes later, and a er receiving intensive real-life tutoring on how to play a fish, Peter landed his catch of a life me. O ur Brand Ambassador Bre Armstrong recently caught this 10kg Dorado while fishing off Cape Vidal. His Stealth Kayak is fi ed with a Lowrance Elite 5 Ti unit. This beauty, which was caught on very light tackle, put a big fight which lasted around 30 minutes. 30