Brand Ambassador CRAIG FRASER “Avid Bass angling supporter, promoter, Protea angler and SABAA President” – this best describes Craig Fraser (Western Cape), who is also one of our very ac ve Lowrance Brand Ambassadors! Craig's interest in bass angling began as a youngster of six in Zimbabwe, where he fished with his father and older brother (who s ll fishes for Zimbabwe). In 1987, he moved down to South Africa (aged 17) to look for work and he joined an IT company for the next four years. Running alongside his business career was his consuming passion for bass fishing and before long he had moved onto the compe ve ladder. Since 1998 he's been awarded 20 x Protea Cap's, either as team Captain and/or managing both the Senior and Junio r Protea Teams on mul ple occasions, both locally and abroad. Over the past 18 years he's been elected to serve on SABAA's Execu ve Commi ees, star ng as Western Province President, then Divisional President, and currently South African Bass Angling Associa on President (this is his second year). Hardworking and independent, Craig decided to go it alone and started his own successful company ITS Computers, which is s ll going strong today. 10 28 lowrance lowrance south south africa africa