Some Exciting News from the conference is that Lowrance SA (known to Navico as Bismonte) won a prize John and Mikala celebrating our award with the Big Enchiladas ! Navico handed out only three awards, and we were awarded one of them: BEST GROWTH . Navico paid tribute to all the hard work and dedica on we put in to promo ng and selling the Lowrance brand. This includes: Our on-line magazine Our newly redesigned website Our fishing shirts Our social media presence Our boat show and fishing compe on involvements · Our technical back-up, which now includes WhatsApp video calls · · · · · IT ALL CONTRIBUTED TO US RECEIVING THIS AWARD! Lowrance SA in turn would like to thank you our customers for your support which resulted in this international award THANK YOU 10 The other two Navico awards were: · Marke ng award - which went to France · Distributor of the Year - which went to Russia The biggest Navico Distributor in EMEA is France, Finland is # 2 and Russia is # 3. We are really proud to be acknowledged by Navico with this pres gious award, in spite of being one of the smaller distributors in the Navico family. John and Mikala found it to be a very informa ve conference. They really enjoyed cha ng with the other EU Lowrance distributors and learning about the different markets. Of course they also made some me to get together with the various product managers and experts - thereby guaranteeing that we have technical backup and assistance from the “top dogs” overseas. lowrance south south africa africa lowrance Le to Right: Ma Hooper (Global Training Director), Lucas Steward (Lowrance Product Line Director), John Minnie, Sennur Yagmur (Independent Distributor Sales EMEA), Mikala Plotz, Jacob S c o ( L o w ra n c e P ro d u c t Expert), John Sco (Head Of Product Management & Marke ng), Gildas Le Masson D i re c to r o f I n d e p e n d e nt Distributors EMEA)