Raw view · RAW VIEW : produces actual results from the powerful Tri- Frequency transducer in real me. In this mode, you become an instant expert, interpre ng the different coloured lines at the bo om of the screen to see depth and structure while watching for disturbances in the water column to locate fish. FishHunter also includes an awesome mapping feature that allows you to create custom Bathymetric (colour contour) maps: 10 06 This powerful hands-on view gives you everything you need to rapidly iden fy and catch more fish. Fish are iden fied as “arches” of colour in the water column or near the bo om depending on their loca on. The perfect tool to create a custom map of your en re dam/river or favourite fishing spots. Just troll or reel your FishHunter across the area that you are interested in mapping and FishHunter starts to track the depth and bo om contour as it travels around your dam/river. Once completed, you can navigate back to any loca on on your map, or see the bo om contour sonar display by pressing anywhere on your map. One quick note is that you shouldn't troll very fast with the FishHunter. If the top of the device goes under the water, you will lose the WiFi connec on to your phone. Mapping works best at slow speeds. lowrance south south africa africa lowrance