ANGLING & OUTDOOR electronics clinic e are happy to invite you to a Bass Fishing & Lowrance Electronics Clinic in May 2017, to be hosted conjointly by A n g l in g & O utdoor Worl d an d the L owvel d ass Trail . Please keep reading for more information regarding this terrific event. Saturday On-water Instruction: As a follow up to the Friday night talks, John Minnie will be assisting a limited number of clients on their own boats and with their own owrance units, and covering things like se ngs and interpreting what you re seeing on screen. Please note that a maximum of EIGHT boats will be booked into the on-the-water instruction with John on Saturday May 20th! There are no costs involved, but bookings will be made on a first come first served basis. To book, please contact Michael Cronje at 013-752-2091 ASAP to avoid disappointment. Date, Time and Venue: Friday 19 May, 4:30pm for 5:00pm at Angling Outdoor World. All welcome. Saturday 20 May, 7:30am for 8am at Klipkopje Dam. Limited space, booking only! 8 boats maximum. First come first served. Promotions: Angling and Outdoor will be running some never to be repeated deals on products from Lowrance as well as assorted bass fishing gear for that night only. To see what they are, make sure you join us! Ts and Cs apply! Friday Tutorials: Talk 1: Lowrance Electronics - John Minnie, Technical Manager at Lowrance South Africa, will be in-store discussing the latest offerings from their respective brands including owrance s new HDS Carbon units, the larger screens that have joined the Elite Ti family, Lowrance Totalscan – the all-in-one fish and structure-finding transducer, and more. On top of all of this, he will be answering all of your technical uestions regarding their product lines. Additional: A limited amount of snacks will be provided for the talk on the Friday night. Please bring your own cooler with drinks along. No food or drinks will be supplied on th