Love U Magazine Power Issue, 2017 | Page 89

W This is my love letter to you, E.A. Jordan at that point. Loving with conditions is something that no human being needs or wants, so why love yourself with conditions? We as humans tend to search externally for what we lack internally, not realizing that everything we need to be happy and feel loved we are more than capable of giving to ourselves. Once you start making a conscious effort to give yourself the love and acceptance that you are vying for from other sources, you will notice that you will attract it effortlessly. What we put out into the universe we will get back. hen life tries to force your hand and take you out of the element of love and happiness, go within and tap into your super power. Recharge yourself and give yourself that love, attention, and validation that you are longing for. Your super power is a natural healer and you’ll be on an everlasting journey of growth. Your power will grow stronger and your life will be fulfilled.