Love U Magazine Power Issue, 2017 | Page 62

Angela Benton: NewM e B eing a single mom didn’t dissuade Angela Benton from founding NewMe, a company dedicated to accelerating minority-owned tech startups. NewMe provides both offline and online guidance with short-term residencies for small groups in San Francisco, paired with continued access to mentorship and online resources. Benton wants NewMe to expand the Silicon Valley box to include entrepreneurs that don’t fit the norm. “Those entrepreneurs fit into a nice box of what is accepted and established as a working pattern to predict success in the industry. So what if you don't meet this criteria? We call these entrepreneurs ‘out of the box’ entrepreneurs. They’re who we like to work with.” Sara Blakely: Spanx ara Blakely is the youngest, self- S made billionaire (that’s with a B), and she started with $5,000 savings and a lot of gusto. Surely you’ve heard of her company: Spanx. It’s been beloved and promoted by both Kim Kardashian and the one-and-only Oprah Winfrey. But Blakely learned that failure was nothing to shy away from at an early age: “Each day, her father would ask – ‘So, what did you fail at today.’ And if there were no failures, Dad would be disappointed. Focusing on failing big allowed Sara to understand that failure is not an outcome, but involves a lack of trying—not stretching yourself far enough out of your comfort zone and attempting to be more than you were the day before. Failing big was a good thing.” With her own success, Blakely is determined to pass-it-forward. In 2013, she made a pledge to donate half of her wealth throughout her lifetime towards the goal of empowering women.