Love, Life and Makeup Magazine Issue 2 | Page 4

Hannahis our editor and resident fashion writer she has been blogging since 2011. Having studied Fashion and graphics she loves design.

Random Fact: Hannah used to babysit for a famous TV Presenter when she was a teenager!

Eoinstudied English and anthropology in college, where he discovered a deep love of a story well told. "I'm watching everything I can because you have to drink a lot of milk before you find the cream".

Random Fact: Eoin has seen the movie Jaws over 100 times.

Shaneis our go to guy for all your lifestyle questions. His background in writing comes from running a Beer/Food Blog.

Random Fact: Shane is a self taught keyboard player

Florence is our literature writer. She lives in north London and works in advertising. When she’s not at work she enjoys music, art, fashion, reading, rowing, travelling, dad-dancing and pretending not to understand Chinese conversations on the tube.

Random Fact: Flo once lived in the same house that Charles Darwn lived in.

Team llandmakeup: