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FEATURED KEYNOTE SPEAKER Mallika Chopra is a mom, media entrepreneur, public speaker and published author. Her most recent book, Living With Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace and Joy, was published in April 2015. Mallika is the founder of Intent.com, a website and app focused on personal, social and global wellness. Her intent is to harness the power of social media to connect people from around the world to improve their own lives, their communities and the planet. ROAD MAP TO LIVE WITH INTENT By Mallika Chopra Through a process of self-discovery and re-discovering a healthy balance in my life, I also developed a road map to live with INTENT: INCUBATE: Quiet your mind to tap into your deepest intentions; see where this leads. NOTICE: Become mindful of your thoughts and actions and pay attention to what they tell you about what gives you meaning and a sense of purpose—and look for signs that can point you toward your truth. TRUST: Have confidence in your inner knowing—and in the messages the universe sends you—and allow that knowledge to guide you forward. EXPRESS: Write down your intentions; say them out loud or share them with others to fully embrace them and help you move ahead in your journey. NURTURE: Be gentle with yourself as you try to find your way. Intention isn’t always a straightforward path, just like life, and giving yourself opportunities to try—and fail—is often part of, and even crucial to, the process. TAKE ACTION: Once you’ve identified an intent, or even multiple ones, don’t sit and wait for it to magically manifest; instead take the practical steps that can make each become a reality. It may be easiest to choose one intent first and set short-term goals to help you get started. - See more at: http://www.mallikachopra.com LLSD  |  7