Louisville Medicine Volume 65, Issue 12 | Page 24

Modifier 25
GLMS , on your behalf , aggressively pushed back against Anthem ’ s changes to Modifier 25 , changes which were going to significantly reduce physician payments and hurt patient outcomes . Responding quickly , GLMS hosted a meeting in December 2017 between Anthem representatives and physicians at our headquarters , published an Op-Ed written by Dr . Zaring arguing against the changes in The Courier-Journal , and maintained our dialogue through an aggressive social media campaign which included the release of an informative and passionate DocTalks video . We are proud to say that our efforts were successful . Anthem agreed to fully rescind their proposed cuts to Modifier 25 . This could not have been done without the passionate work of our physicians
Over 4,000 DocTalks Video Views ( Since July 1 , 2017 )
GLMS has crafted a new media experience for members and the community alike . DocTalks is a monthly video interview featuring Dr . Zaring as he discusses interesting and influential health care topics . The new video program , available on Vimeo . com and various social media platforms , allows the Society to visually address issues affecting patients and physicians in Kentucky such as transgender rights , ransomware and artificial intelligence .