Louisville Loop Master Plan loopmasterplan_draft_041813sm_0 | Page 73

Annual review of the measurements will be a critical function of the Louisville Loop Work Group, Loop Maintenance and Conservation Committee, local advocacy groups, and partnering agencies. The data will be collected, compared to what was planned or intended, and used to evaluate whether the project is meeting goals, effecting change, and improving the quality of services. An annual report will be prepared to report the performance measure findings and other updates on the project. Performance Measure Source Completed path miles per year Metro Parks Bicycle and pedestrian user count locations Metro Parks Bicycle and pedestrian user counts Metro Parks Residents within 1 mile of access points PVA and US Census Data Annual funding allocation for routine maintenance of Loop facilities Metro Parks Number of volunteer hours on Loop Metro Parks Response time to path maintenance request Metro Parks Adopt-a-Loop Mile partners Metro Parks Number of funding partners Metro Parks Performance Measure Source Grants pursued/awarded Economic Growth and Innovation, Metro Parks, and Public Works Members of Friends of the Louisville Loop Metro Parks People engaged through public outreach Metro Parks New building permits and investment in Loopshed Planning and Design Services New jobs located near Loop route Economic Growth and Innovation Change in physical activity, obesity, and other health factors (long-term) Louisville Metro Department of Health and Wellness Presentation to neighborhood groups, businesses, schools, etc. Metro Parks and Economic Growth and Innovation Number of events held on Loop route Metro Parks Level of user satisfaction Metro Parks Rotation time for mowing and sweeping given segments Metro Parks External Press Coverage (articles and blogs) with mention of Loop Metro Parks and Economic Growth and Innovation Lousville Loop Master Plan 73