Los Angeles Firm Inc. Magazine November/December 2015 | Page 32

LOS ANGELES FIRM INC MAGAZINE NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2015 ht tp s:/ /m .fa ce bo ok .co m /p ro fil e.p hp ?id =5 60 42 69 33 99 66 77 & tsi d= 0. 01 88 79 32 76 90 22 88 2& so ur ce =t yp ea he ad Where do you find pieces like this, you ask? @Luxxjewelz where else!? This store has provided pieces to Tamar Braxton, Elle Varner and even Black Entertainment Television. Tamera, CEO of Luxx Jewelz has been operating since 2012 and seems to be reaching an unscratched surface when it comes to entrepreneurship. This young lady specializes in bringing a specific quality, upholding that quality and satisfying the everyday consumer. From one exclusive piece to the next, it’s a never ending story. Whatever it is you may desire in jewelry and accessories, she has it first. Top rated ACCESSORIES in fashion With cutting edge designs and striking graphical impact, we scoured the globe in its totality for the best in high quality jewelry and accessory trends. Seemingly we hit pay dirt in landing some of the most exclusive pieces from some of the best. I’d call this somewhat of a buyer’s advantage, the stocking-stuffers you should grab as soon as possible for the love of your life. Hey ladies, you should even treat yourself to some if not all of these tasty treats. Coming into 2016, there are pieces you will surely fall in love with and feel the urge to buy. While most guys need their gadgets, every woman needs her jewelry and accessories. Start shopping with an edge, let this year’s studs and long chain trinkets collect dust in the jewelry box while you fast forward to the future looking fabulous on “Women’s Crush Wednesday”, and creating longevity in your “Throwback Thursday” arsenal. You are now officially ready for that women’s seminar, Church event, casual dinner, or a night out on the town. These are the pieces that every woman will wonder about where you purchased them. Everyone else will be turning their heads trying to figure out if they know what TV show you play on because you look so fabulous wearing them. Yes, my dear, these are our top picks coming into the new year.